
application market中文是什么意思

  • 应用市场



  • 例句与用法
  • Perhaps , one day , the voice application market will be as widespread as today s internet
  • Databases have been an integral part of software applications since the dawn of the commercial application market several decades ago
  • The technique of olap and datamining became more and more mature , so that the application market of data warehouse was built a good foundation
    在线分析处理( olap )和数据挖掘技术的不断成熟,为数据仓库应用市场的开拓打下了良好的基础。
  • All technology and performance indexes are on top of the nation , reach the international advanced level , so it has the wide application market and developing future
  • With the constant development of ic card application market , the quantity of the cards has increased hugely while a new demand for the speed of the card - issuing has occured
    随着ic卡应用市场的不断发展, ic卡的发卡量也不断增大,对发卡的速度也有了新的需求。
  • Data parallel coprocessor dpc , which is scalable and has the powerful data processing ability , is designed for the high performance dsp application market
  • It is our hope that this tool propels the expansion of the voice application market , much in the same way that graphical web page editors contributed to the explosive growth of the internet
  • Brooks , headquartered in hatfield , pa , provides flow measurement and control devices to the low flow application market , and principally serves the chemical and semiconductor industries
  • Sap ' s worldwide share of the $ 81 billion business applications market rose to 9 . 4 percent in 2006 from 9 . 2 percent in the previous year , while oracle ' s share climbed to 5 . 8 percent from 4 percent , according to the latest information from international data corp
    根据国际资料公司提供的最新数据, sap在2006年全球商务应用软件市场810亿美元的市场份额中占据了9 . 4 % ,比2005年上升0 . 2 % ,而甲骨文在同期的市场份额则由4 %上升至5 . 8 % 。
  • It has powerful competitive capacity and huge application market in china for all of its advantages , such as strong spanning ability , light dead weight , rapid construction speed , beautiful configuration etc . nevertheless , for some reasons , its research work lags behind its engineering practice seriously , affecting its further application and dissemination
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